Anil N. Hirani

Anil N. Hirani

Professor, Department of Mathematics

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

We are organizing a workshop on Discrete Exterior Calculus: Differential Geometry and Applications at IMSI in Chicago, Sep. 3-5, 2025.

Research:   I am interested in the interplay between geometry/topology and algorithms. Current research is mainly in structure-preserving discretizations of exterior calculus and differential geometry. Discretization = combinatorial version of calculus and differential geometry on graphs and simplicial complexes. An example of structure preservation is the first theorem in paper on vector bundles. The structures are interesting in their own right and also useful in applications. Here is a list of current and recent research projects:

Industry: Before joing Math department I was a faculty member in CS. Before that I was a computer graphics software engineer (Sun Microsystems), image processing industrial researcher (SONY Corp.) and space mission designer (NASA Jet Propulsion Lab). I like to keep in touch with industry via collaboration and consulting.

Publications     Citations     Software     Discrete Exterior Calculus (DEC)

Teaching (Spring 2025):

Teaching (Fall 2024):

Teaching (Spring 2023):

Graduate Students:

Co-advised partially:

Previous Recent Teaching (last few years):

Short CV:

Contact:   hirani at illinois dot edu, 375 Altgeld Hall, (217) 333 2727
Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, 1409 W. Green St., M/C 382, Urbana, IL 61801.

Page maintained by Anil Hirani. Last modified: Tue Jan 14 16:44:12 CST 2025