Differential Geometry

MATH 423, Fall 2020

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mathematics

Instructor: Anil Hirani, email

Office Hour: Wednesdays, 4-5 pm on Zoom

Lectures: MWF 11:00 -- 11:50, Live online on Zoom and recordings made available at end of the week on Illinois Media Space on "Math 423 Fall 2020" channel.

Course LMS and communication: There will be a Moodle page for the course and a Campuswire class feed for most course communication and for collaborative discussions.

Homeworks There will be a graded homework most weeks assigned from the textbook. You will upload your homework solutions to Moodle and a selection of problems will be corrected by the grader. You are encouraged to discuss the homeworks with others and me, but you should write up solution on your own. Late homeworks will only be accepted if arrangements have been made with me before the deadline. However, exceptions can be made in other cases, for example, medical or family emergency. Your lowest homework score will be dropped.

Textbook Barrett O'Neill, Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised Second Edition, 2006. Available free from our library link above.

Topics: Approximate list and order of topics is on the official course syllabus. The ordering and emphasis may change somewhat as we go through the semester.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and a final exam, all proctored by Proctorio. Conflict exams will be available if arrangements have been made with me at least one week in advance of the scheduled exam.

Grading: Class participation 5%, Homeworks 15%, Two Midterm Exams: your lower score worth 20%, higher score worth 25%, Final Exam 35%.

Page maintained by Anil N. Hirani
Last modified: Sat Nov 7 22:13:12 CST 2020